How To Plan A Stress Free Wedding (For Real)


It is impossible to have a stress free wedding, so FORGET IT.

JK! It’s totally possible and I’m going to tell you how you can plan a (mostly) stress free wedding!

Everyone everywhere will tell you that planning a stress free wedding is a pipe dream, but I’m here to tell you that it really doesn’t have to be. 

There’s so much emotion tied up in our weddings, and for good reason. You’re professing your love to your person in front of everyone you know. Or you’ve been dreaming about this perfect day forever. Or your families may be travelling from out of town and maybe you haven’t seen them in years. 

how to have a stress free wedding

Of course you want everything to be perfect, but that is a massive load of stress to put on yourself! 

Look, I’m not going to sugar coat it, there will be stressful moments. But they don’t need to be end of the world earth shattering events, or catastrophic relationship ending ordeals.

In this episode we’re going to talk about tools like:

  • You get to choose what stresses you out
  • Always budget for miscellaneous expenses
  • Remove toxic people from your existence 
  • Plan for your plans to not go how you planned
  • Don’t leave things to the last minute
  • Focus on the big picture

You can have a stress free wedding if you CHOOSE to. But you gotta choose it, friend! 

Did you find this video useful? I’d be so grateful if you subscribed! Drop a comment below if you have questions about staying present and I’d be happy to share what I know to help! I’ll be back next Thursday with another wedding planning video, so until then keep it joyful!


00:01 Intro

00:30 Planning a stress free wedding is a pipe dream

02:44 Letting yourself be stressed out

03:34 You get to choose what stresses you out

05:04 Always budget for miscellaneous expenses

06:03 Remove toxic people from your existence

08:13 Plan for your plans to not go how you planned

09:22 Don’t leave things to the last minute

10:58 Focus on the big picture

If you found this episode useful I’d be so grateful if you followed and shared this episode with a friend, or your fiance! Or, if you have questions about planning a stress free wedding, I’d be happy to share what I know to help! Drop me an email at [email protected]!

And, if you are in the market for a wedding planner, look no further! We’ve got a variety of services and price points to fit your unique wedding’s budget. Book a call to learn how we can help you plan you wedding joyfully!

I’ll be back next Thursday with another wedding planning episode, so until then keep it joyful!

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my top tips for stress free weddings

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