Joyful Wedding Planning

The Podcast

Creating A Perfect Wedding Itinerary

Creating A Perfect Wedding Itinerary

Wedding day itineraries are just fluffy things that event planners pretend are important, right? Wrong! If you don’t have your itinerary written out the day of your wedding, it’s going to make the entire process a lot more difficult and complicated to manage - so why...

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To DIY Or Not To DIY Your Wedding

To DIY Or Not To DIY Your Wedding

Should you really DIY that one thing for your wedding? Or would this particular element be better left to the pros? I’ll be honest, it’s amazing to DIY wedding things, especially if you love to DIY! But just how far can you really take it, before it becomes too...

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How To Plan The Perfect Wedding

How To Plan The Perfect Wedding

Is any wedding truly perfect? When it comes down to it, no. Never. BUT, I’m going to tell you how you can have a perfect wedding despite it all! I firmly believe that no event is perfect, technically. But I do believe we can change our perspective on what makes a...

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Welcome To The Joy Factor!

Welcome To The Joy Factor!

Hey! I'm Emily Decloux, recent wedding-haver, and event planner of 10+ years. Welcome to The Joy Factor! I decided to start The Joy Factor a few months ago when I was in the throes of planning my own wedding. Sure, I had planned many other events before, and I had...

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