The Do’s and Dont’s of Joyful Wedding Planning


Planning a wedding is an anxiety inducing nightmare full of bridezillas and doom grooms so joyful wedding planning is impossible, right? 

Bwahahahahahhahahahaha heck no!

I love bringing joy into people’s lives, to help them create moments and memories that they’ll cherish forever! And as I was thinking about starting my wedding planning business, I kept coming back to the idea that planning a wedding doesn’t have to be some sort of frustrating activity that ends in breakups and family fights, it can truly be joyful, despite all the decisions and the family pressures. So today I’m going to share with you my Do’s and Dont’s of joyful wedding planning to make your wedding planning process even more joyful!

But first, an un-joyful wedding planning story.

So I shared a few tips with her to help her reframe the process of planning a wedding, and in the end she became a wife, so I like to think my pep talk helped! At least I hope it did! So here’s a little pep talk for you if you’re feeling like – wow, this is just way too much and I do not want to deal with wedding planning anymore! 

Recently, I was talking to a bride about how her wedding planning was going, and she looked me in the eye and said “I don’t know if there will be a wedding at this point!” I felt awful for her, because I knew how overwhelming it must have felt to be planning a wedding on her own with minimal support from her fiance (listen, one person is always going to be more involved than the other), and lots of family drama to boot! 

These are my Do’s and Dont’s of joyful wedding planning!

  • Do: Make it all about you
  • Don’t: Worry about what people are going to say/think
  • Do: Consider that your guests will want to enjoy themselves
  • Don’t: Do something you think your guests want if you hate it
  • Do: Ask your parents if they’ve set aside any money for your wedding
  • Don’t: Have any expectations about how much your parents can help you with
  • Do: Create a budget for your dream wedding
  • Don’t: Sacrifice the things you want the most 
  • Do: Create boundaries with your family about who will and won’t be invited
  • Don’t: Invite people that you feel uncomfortable with
  • Do: Make space for fun during the planning process
  • Don’t: Let planning your wedding get in the way of your relationship
  • Do: Make a point to appreciate the small things
  • Don’t: Let yourself panic or stress more than you need to
  • Do: Wear something that makes you feel amazing
  • Don’t: Pick a dress or outfit just because someone else likes it more than what you like
  • Do: Show gratitude to your vendors and friends and family who are helping you plan
  • Don’t: Forget to thank people when they complete a task or service for your wedding
  • Do: Incorporate elements that are special to you and your fiance 
  • Don’t: Let themes or activities overshadow you and your fiance
  • Do: Have a solid plan for what will happen on your wedding day
  • Don’t: Leave things to chance – unless it’s controlled chance!
  • Do: Find a way to make the planning process joyful

The wedding planning process can be anxiety inducing and stressful and hard – but remember, it’s your day, and there’s always a way to make the process more enjoyable!

If you found this video useful I’d be so grateful if you subscribed! Drop a comment below if you have questions about joyful wedding planning and I’d be happy to share what I know to help! I’ll be back next Thursday with another wedding planning video, so until then keep it joyful!

And, if you are in the market for a wedding planner, look no further! We’ve got a variety of services and price points to fit your unique wedding’s budget. Book a call to learn how we can help you plan you wedding joyfully!


00:01 Intro

01:08 An un-joyful wedding planning story

01:50 The do’s and dont’s of joyful wedding planning


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The Dance of Anger by Harriet Learner: 

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